A balanced diet provides the body with the necessary nutrients for muscle regeneration and repair and ensures energy supply during training. A consistent and well-thought-out nutrition plan significantly contributes to making the training more effective.


A wholesome and balanced diet is as essential to sports as the chain is to a bicycle. The former professional cyclist from Upper Austria completed his studies in nutritional sciences at the University of Vienna in 2021. With his experience in cycling, he is an expert in creating nutrition plans that complement every training schedule.

The nutrition guidance and planning are tailored not only to individual goals but also integrated into TrainingPeaks to align with the training regimen.


With exclusive access to our recipe database, including a calorie calculator, Paul can plan meals precisely, and the dishes can be easily replicated. Strict nutrition plan or flexible recipe ideas? Your choice!


  • In an initial consultation, the focus is not only on goals and your current situation but also on getting to know each other personally. Following this, an analysis is conducted, and recommendations are provided. Based on this information, a personalized nutrition plan is created.

  • The heart of our service. Depending on your individual needs and lifestyle, we will work together to create a tailored plan for your goals, whether it's weight loss, performance improvement, or optimizing training effects through the right nutrition.

  • Everyone responds differently to various dietary strategies, and only through regular feedback can we guarantee success. We continuously adapt to your daily life, ensuring an optimization of your training.

  • We will recommend you the appropriate meals at the right time. You can choose from our extensive database of healthy and proven recipes and prepare them in no time.

  • Low Carb, High Carb, Intermittent Fasting, Ketogenic, Gluten-free, Lactose-free, Vegan - which dietary approach suits me and my goals? The right combination at the right time is crucial.

Our package offers a perfect addition to every training, providing individualized nutrition strategies and plans. It seamlessly integrates with TrainingPeaks and can be used in coordination with your coach if desired. Regular contact and feedback are included.

The price is per month and includes taxes. It is billed on a monthly basis and can be canceled each month. Payment via invoice is possible after consultation.


Born and raised in the beautiful Windischgarsten in Upper Austria, Paul had early exposure to various sports. As an active child, he attended a sports-oriented secondary school, where he could unleash his energy in various activities. At the age of 14, it became evident to him that cycling was his greatest fascination and brought him the most joy. After many years in the junior category, he had the opportunity to become a professional cyclist and pursued this career until the age of 23.


"After my career as a professional cyclist, I was always very interested in nutrition and analytics. That's why I started studying 'Nutritional Sciences' at the University of Vienna and obtained a 'Bachelor of Science (BSc)' degree. With my practical expertise and incorporating the latest scientific findings, I aim to help and support athletes of all performance levels. Despite the passing years, my passion for an active lifestyle remains, and I continue to enjoy cycling as a recreational cyclist."


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