Stefan Mastaller from Vienna, austria 
  Pro Cyclist | Coach | Event Manager | GCN Coaching Expert 
(Google THINKS:)

Let's embark on a journey to achieve your cycling goals together! Drawing from my extensive experience as a professional cyclist, I've been fortunate to undergo a wide range of experiences, from rigorous physiological testing in state-of-the-art labs to “embracing” time-tested Eastern European training methods. I've not only witnessed but also personally experienced every aspect of this journey.

Having worked with clients worldwide as well as consulting companies in the United States for many years, passing on my knowledge and experience to other people has become my passion. Additionally, I am very proud to call myself “GCN Coaching Expert” and consult them on various occasions like their Global Bike Festival.


I have a deep appreciation for numbers—watts, heart rate, TSS, IF,… but this sport has numerous beautiful facets to explore as well. Striking a balance between science and the human side of things is crucial. I firmly believe that effective communication is the single most important element for personal growth and improved fitness. By continuously adjusting our approach to real-life situations, we can ensure long-term success.


Seven years ago, I started to work on a charity project in which we introduced people to all aspects of cycling and assisted them in achieving their goal: a massive charity bike ride. I quickly discovered my passion. At that time, my role was to enhance people's enjoyment of cycling. Now, it's all about efficient and intelligent training planning and assisting individuals in reaching their objectives.


  • The first talk is not only about goals and the starting point, but also about getting to know each other on a personal level. I will analyse your status quos and in addition provide a clear concept of the approach we will take in planning your training. I am also happy to assist you in finding goals and challenges along the way.

  • The heart and sole of the coaching is of course the training plan. Through TrainingPeaks you can access your plan either on your computer or smartphone. Relevant training sessions are smart trainer compatible so you an start your workouts on Zwift/Rouvy/… right away.

  • Only through constant analysis of your done training we plan ahead properly. Regular FTP/4DP Tests help in the quantitative evaluation and in adapting the training.

  • Get in touch 24/7 through Email/Text Message/WhatsApp. “Fair Use” = On the basis of a friendly relationship you can rely on constant response within an appropriate time frame.

  • There is always something that comes up! Illness, weather, job,.. The longer we plan ahead the less accurate the training becomes. Training should always and constantly be adapted to your day to day life. Together with almost daily exchanges we ensure the most efficient training plan.

  • Cycling is so much more than crunching those numbers. With my years of experience I can support you in every topic cycling related. Nutrition, mental preparation, aerodynamics,… count on my knowledge!

  • Pacing & nutrition strategy, tactic talks, analysis of races. Get the most out of your events and be prepared.

  • There are a lot of things that do not fit in a single email. Monthly call is included in the GOLD Package.

Next to a world class training program with constant adaption you can rely on my experience. I am consulting you on all topics cycling related and ensuring that every pedal stroke you do is well used.

  • The first talk is not only about goals and the starting point, but also about getting to know each other on a personal level. I will analyse your status quos and in addition provide a clear concept of the approach we will take in planning your training. I am also happy to assist you in finding goals and challenges along the way.

  • The heart and sole of the coaching is of course the training plan. Through TrainingPeaks you can access your plan either on your computer or smartphone. Relevant training sessions are smart trainer compatible so you an start your workouts on Zwift/Rouvy/… right away.

  • Only through constant analysis of your done training we plan ahead properly. Regular FTP/4DP Tests help in the quantitative evaluation and in adapting the training.

  • Get in touch 24/7 through Email/Text Message/WhatsApp. “Fair Use” = On the basis of a friendly relationship you can rely on constant response within an appropriate time frame.

  • There is always something that comes up! Illness, weather, job,.. The longer we plan ahead the less accurate the training becomes. Training should always and constantly be adapted to your day to day life. Together with almost daily exchanges we ensure the most efficient training plan.

  • Cycling is so much more than crunching those numbers. With my years of experience I can support you in every topic cycling related. Nutrition, mental preparation, aerodynamics,… count on my knowledge!

  • Pacing & nutrition strategy, tactic talks, analysis of races. Get the most out of your events and be prepared.

  • There are a lot of things that do not fit in a single email. Additional calls in SILVER and BRONZE will be charged extra. (19 EUR / per call)

Long term planning requires constant adaptation based on unforeseeable events. Unlimited text support enables us to react to every situation possible. Additional calls can be booked separately anytime ( EUR 19).

  • The first talk is not only about goals and the starting point, but also about getting to know each other on a personal level. I will analyse your status quos and in addition provide a clear concept of the approach we will take in planning your training. I am also happy to assist you in finding goals and challenges along the way.

  • The heart and sole of the coaching is of course the training plan. Through TrainingPeaks you can access your plan either on your computer or smartphone. Relevant training sessions are smart trainer compatible so you an start your workouts on Zwift/Rouvy/… right away.

  • Only through constant analysis of your done training we plan ahead properly. Regular FTP/4DP Tests help in the quantitative evaluation and in adapting the training.

  • Get in touch 24/7 through Email/Text Message/WhatsApp. “Fair Use” = On the basis of a friendly relationship you can rely on constant response within an appropriate time frame.

  • There is always something that comes up! Illness, weather, job,.. The longer we plan ahead the less accurate the training becomes. Training should always and constantly be adapted to your day to day life. Together with almost daily exchanges we ensure the most efficient training plan.

  • Cycling is so much more than crunching those numbers. With my years of experience I can support you in every topic cycling related. Nutrition, mental preparation, aerodynamics,… count on my knowledge!

  • Pacing & nutrition strategy, tactic talks, analysis of races. Get the most out of your events and be prepared.

  • There are a lot of things that do not fit in a single email. Additional calls in SILVER and BRONZE will be charged extra. (19 EUR / per call)

After getting to know each other and analysing your training so far you will receive a training program in a bi weekly reconciliation interval that is perfectly tailor made to your goals.

PRICE PER MONTH incl. Taxes. MoNthly Cancellation. SPECIAL PAYMENT TERMS possible.



I want to get to know you and understand how I can help you. Book an appointment or send an email.


  • Below you can find the “Portal” with options to view your subscription.

  • After our first talk please subscribe to the plan of your choice. Your card will be charged a full month and afterwards prorated to the actual training start. (by me)

  • You will be forwarded to the Onboarding page automatically after paying.

  • Like any other subscription model (Netflix, Mobile Phone, …) you still have to pay. Extreme cases can be discussed.

  • Use the Booking Portal to find an appointment and book it. You will be send an invoice automatically after the call. (19 EUR per call)

  • No. Every level of cyclist is welcome.

  • Let’s talk and find out!

  • No. I have full access to your account.

  • There is no “minimum equipment” - however you should have some sort of device to track your workout. (Cycling Computer, Smartwatch, Smartphone,…)

  • Yes. I provide smart workout files that are synchronized automatically with your Zwift account.


Manage payments, & subscription here.